Taboga Island is located in the Pacific Ocean.  It is known as the island of the flowers.   Terrible news got to us that in Taboga somebody had poisoned the dogs and cats on three occasions.  On June 10, 2005 we went to Taboga to deliver flyers on sterilization.  Fate brought Dori Cohen and Raymond to us.  They were familiar with the animal situation and we decided to do a sterilization blitz in Taboga.
Flyers were posted several days before the sterilization blitz on the launches, piers and throughout the island

Dra. Itzel Terrero, Dra. Anabell Herrera, Dr. Andrés Bailey, y la Dra. Letty Guajardo

46 cats were trapped throughout the island.  Above shows the trapped cats in the special humane traps.  Trapped cats should always be covered with a sheet to avoid further stress.
22 dogs y 49 cats were sterilized, dewormed, vaccinated against rabies, had their ears cleaned and given a treatment for ticks and fleas.
71 animals sterilized in total
For easy identification:
The sterilized dogs have an “S” tattooed inside one ear.
The sterilized cats have one ear clipped.

We brought back “Taboguin”.  He is kind of weak but getting better and he really needs a loving home.  Please contact Spay/Panama for more information about adopting this cute kitty cat.

The following are the surgical costs incurred with this project.  

Veterinarian fees:
    22 dogs @ $20 each                                                       $ 440.00
    49 cats @ $10 each                                                           490.00
Surgical and medical supplies                                               330.50

Spay/Panama relies on donations only and each contribution goes directly to services or medical supplies.  Your contribution makes Spay/Panama services possible.

...remember always that… TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE