TABOGA, January 2010
Cats and dogs can't talk.  They feel the same as us humans:  hunger, thirst, happiness, sadness and loneliness.  They guard our property, control the rodents and insects, decrease the feeling of loneliness and reduce stress.  Petting a dog or cat can lower your blood pressure.

The Island of Taboga is beautiful and a destination for tourists.  Seeing healthy animals always puts a smile in one's face.  Knowing about the senseless killings of dogs and cats is a undescribed tragedy that causes repulsion.

The only effective method to control the number of unwanted dogs and cats is the STERILIZATION.  Poisoning does not work because the habitat is filled almost immediately.  It is a cruel practice and it gives the message to the younger generation that it is acceptable to kill the defenseless.  A child that tortures an animal is a future violent criminal.  As the saying goes:  you reap what you sow.

Let's put a stop to the poisoning of cats and dogs in the island.

Spay/Panama coordinated with the representante Marcos Delgado, the honorable mayor José Chirú and the Corregidora Gira for a third blitz.  A total of 232 animals have been sterilized on the island.

The car of the Junta Comunal was used to transport the animals

Jasmine Lister from Washington, D.C. and Amarilys, a vet student

Giant grasshopper

Marlen, Alberto, Dr. Keith and Dr. Darrell

Daniel was in charge of the the post-op station and was the cook for the group

Dr. Augusto, Dr. Darrell, Dr. Keith

Ernesto Gall, a vet student, receiving instructions from Dr. Keith

A special thank you to Jesus and Susan for their house and to Jorge Arauz for allowing us to use his bathroom.

Total collected on this blitz:  $82.65:

$15.00 Mundi's Restaurant
$ 5.00 Souvenir Cari

$15.00 Restaurante Donde Pope Si Hay
$ 5.00 Mirador Taboga Restaurant
$ 5.00 Chuy and Susan's friends
$ 5.00 Susan
$ 5.00 Ricardo George
$ 5.00 Rodrigo Palma
$22.65 Residents of Taboga

For transportation of equipment and staff, Spay/Panama spent $202.00.  In surgical supplies and medication $410.00 was spent.

We urgently need your help to reach more animals.  

Make a click here to find out how you can make a difference